We have driven home while work is being done on TOM-KAT. We were shocked to see a lush green lawn and a host of weeds in the gardens! July is normally a very dry month and lawns are usually brown by this time and even the weeds struggle for water. The area has received about 10 inches of rain for the month, while normal rainfall is closer to 3 inches.
We returned home right after our visit to
Loop boats don’t normally stop in
I was lucky to be able to attend a Woodside Garden Club meeting, as well as stopping in to say “hello” to one of my bridge groups. It was wonderful to visit with everyone and catch up with some gals that I hadn’t seen in over a year!
Bob enjoyed some “guy time” with another retiree friend, Bernie, when they attended a Thunderbirds Air Show, as well as a Classic Car Show. We saw this Osprey flying down in
A great deal of time at home has been spent working on the outside of the house and in the yard. Bob climbed up on the roof and removed thousands of little maple seedlings growing in our gutters. Our wonderful neighbor, Tom, had already removed all the seedlings from the first story gutters. What a guy!! Thanks again, Tom! The next picture shows one of our whisky barrel planters with a lovely, blooming weed growing very happily in it. I pulled it out and filled the barrels with mulch in hopes that the covering will control the weed growth. We also hired a tree service to come and remove several large locust limbs that were overhanging the roof.
Over the weekend of August 3, our 40th wedding anniversary, we were fortunate to have Katie, Bob’s Mom and our daughter-in-law, Kelly with grandchildren, Shannon and Connor home for a visit. We were also happy to help Connor celebrate his 5th birthday with a “Pirate” party. Happy Birthday, Connor! We missed our son, Tom, but we know he was busy keeping all the customers of Frisco Bay Marina happy!
Bob keeps in touch with Essex Boat Works and TOM-KAT’s bottom work is finished and the stuffing box is in, but attaching the shaft and aligning it with the engine will have to wait until the boat goes back in the water. The last item on our list was a thorough washing and waxing of the hull and upper decks. We won’t recognize the boat when we get back!!
Thanks for Visiting With us!